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Playstation 4 Services

Whether you're experiencing hardware malfunctions, software glitches, or any other issues with your gaming console, our skilled technicians are here to provide efficient solutions.


Our repair services cover a wide range of PlayStation 4 issues, from HDMI port repairs to hard drive replacements and more.


Common Playstation 4 Issues

Damaged HDMI Port

By far the most common issue with the Playstation 4 and most other consoles is accidental damage to the HDMI port.

Sometimes the damage is obvious, other times it can be more subtle, but if your system boots to a white status light but never displays on your TV, you can bet its going to be your port at fault.

We have extensive experience with HDMI port replacements, as they are the most common type of repair for modern consoles. Please give us a call to schedule a repair. In most cases we can resolve it within hours.

Power Issues

Power issues are tricky to diagnose. A common cause is a power surge which can take out your power supply but could also extend damage to the main board.

Typically power issues will need more time to figure out and your system's behavior may vary. Sometimes your console may be completely unresponsive, or it may power on and then immediately shut off.

In the simplest case, your console's internal power supply will need to be repaired or replaced. However, if damage is extended to the main board, critical system chips may need to be replaced.

If you're experiencing power issues, please give us a call so we can try to diagnose your issue. Depending on your console's behavior, we may be able to pinpoint what's at fault.

Blue Light of Death

If your PS4 powers on but is stuck on a blue light or a blinking blue light and never transitions to a white light, you're most likely looking at a faulty south bridge chip.

The south bridge is a critical system chip that manages many functions on the Playstation 4, such as bluetooth connectivity. The system simply cannot start up if this chip fails.

The most common cause for southbridge failure seems to be consoles that have sustained damage from a fall, on rare occasion the chip may fail seemingly out of nowhere.


Either way, the BLoD will require extensive troubleshooting and diagnosing and may warrant a motherboard replacement in some cases.

System Boots into Safe Mode

If your system boots up to a black screen with options this means that either your operating system is corrupted, or your hard drive needs to be replaced.

It is fairly simple to fix a corrupted operating system on a Playstation 4, and we'd even recommend in most cases to attempt to perform the repair yourself which saves you money and time.

We will be posting a guide on the process soon.

If, however, your operating system fails to reinstall onto your system, you're most likely looking at a faulty hard drive. The PS4 utilizes a very common magnetic hard disk style hard drive that relies on moving parts that degrade over time.


If your Playstation 4 issue isn't listed above, don't worry.

We're available to answer any question you may have during our business hours at

(904) 458-7114.

Regardless of the problem you're having, please note that we offer free diagnostics on all devices, and abide by a no fix no fee business model.

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